jueves, 23 de febrero de 2017


Hello bloggers!

Today is our first post and because of that we are going to explain what is this about.
In this blog we are going to talk about computers and mobile devices, their description, their use, how do they work, the sound and the image in this devices, technical descriptions of their components and, even though, their operating systems.
In order to get this organized, we have created the next schedule in which every date and every topic is included.
Talking about the topics, we can differentiate them and for doing that, here you have a brief explanation about what we are going to talk about in each post.

Release Date:
Post #
Post 2:
General description of the devices
Post 3:
Sound in devices
Post 4:
Image in devices
Post 5:
CPU: Technical description
Post 6:
OS: Computer and mobile devices operating systems
Post 7:
Conclusions and impressions

Post 2:
In this post, we are going to describe you two devices, a computer and a mobile device as a smartphone or a tablet. In this explanation we will give you the specs about of them: shape, weight, size, camera, speakers, graphic and sound card in the case of the computer and other features.

Post 3:
This time, we will focus on the sound of the devices, we will explain some interisting things you will find amazing.

Post 4:
Now it is time for the image, in other words, for the static image and video. We will explain curiosities about the image in computers and devices.

Post 5:
Time for the technics, people who is interested in tecnical stuff should read this post. Here, we will talk about the CPU and memory in a technical way, and we will differentiate this info in computers and mobile devices.

Post 6:
Operating systems, a huge debate, here we will describe the ones in our devices and we will talk about advantages and disavantages of them in a subjective way.

Post 7:
The last one. Here we will publish our conclusions of the study done about our devices and our impressions.

Thanks for reading and wait for our next post!

Antonio Rubio Ruiz.

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